May 6, 2010

Introduction ~ Level One Design Video

Hello everybody,

My name is Nathaniel Kirst and this is the first post for Turmoil Studios. We are a small group of students currently enrolled at the New England Institute of Technology in the Bachelor degree program for Game Development and Simulations Programming. The entire team has received an Associate degree in the same technology program and has a great deal of experience in a number of programming and design applications.

Currently, Turmoil Studios is developing a game to complete our required education and graduate with a Bachelor degree. The game is currently called: In Light of Darkness. The game began development almost two years ago with a great deal of research and documentation to solidify the game's features, style and content.

The premise for the game centers around a character named Ferox who has been awakened from an icy prison beneath Antarctica after centuries of stasis. Following his awakening, Ferox is met by a mysterious figure and receives a means of summoning weapons into the material plane, known currently as: The Gauntlet. Antarctica is the first area that the player will interact with and is also the setting for the current prototype.

The game is primarily story-driven with a heavy emphasis on being able to make choices that are not limited to simply good and evil. The primary storyline follows Ferox as he attempts to discover his identity and understand the confusing situation surrounding him.

The enemies range from the Legions of Hell to the Armies of Heaven. The Legions of Hell are comprised of a multitude of demons including Flesh Hounds, Incubi and Succubae as well as a number of fictional demons that include the Cruciatum and Shades. The Armies of Heaven include the different Spheres of Angels including Thrones, Seraphim, Cherubim and Powers.

There are also a number of important names from both sides. These include Lucifer, Leviathon, Lilith, Gabriel, Raphael and Michael. Each of the important figureheads plays a vital role in the story and interacting with each of them in different ways will alter the way the game is played.

The game is being developed in the Unreal Development Kit. A working prototype will be completed by the beginning of June with a second version being completed towards the end of August.

Included below is a video of the level design for the first area of Antarctica where Ferox emerges from his tomb to meet the mysterious figure.

We are looking forward to sharing more content as it is completed and any feedback will be greatly appreciated.


Nathaniel Kirst
Turmoil Studios

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